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A personal appeal from Living in Turnaround:
No, I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
But the mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away...
I have seen it in Haiti.
I have been a witness, in Indonesia, in Mexico, in Congo.
I have seen a mother cradling a gravely ill child, babies being born amid chaos and destruction, and children all alone, wandering desolate streets in search of anything resembling the familiar.
I have seen tears and sorrow, pain and anguish.
Oh, little darling of mine,
I can't for the life of me
Remember a sadder day
I know they say let it be
But it just don't work out that way
And the course of a lifetime runs
Over and over again...
And through it all, I have seen hope.
Hope arrives wearing a powder blue t-shirt, armband or beret.
--- UNICEF Child Protection Specialist Cecilie Modvar speaks with children who are living in a makeshift camp in CanapĂ© Vert Plaza in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. © UNICEF, Photo by Roger LeMoyne
For over sixty years, hope has been spelled "UNICEF."
I have seen the human toll of natural catastrophes and scenes of conflict through the eyes of UNICEF staff, field workers, volunteers and Goodwill Ambassadors like Clay Aiken, Lucy Liu and Danny Glover.
I have seen something more, something better. I have seen UNICEF save lives.
Every four minutes, a baby dies from tetanus, a disease that is highly preventable. With your vote, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF could receive a $110 million investment by partnering with Kiwanis International to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus.
Working in over 150 countries across the world, UNICEF has proven results in bringing "effective, low cost solutions" to crises that have an impact on children's health and survival. UNICEF has saved more children's lives than any other humanitarian organization, delivering essentially needed supplies, clean water, food, medicine and medical care, shelter and more despite "war or conflict, disaster or disease, geography or logistical complexity."
Source: U.S. Fund for UNICEF
UNICEF is ready to go to work to end deaths from tetanus. Here's how:
The investment of $110 million from Kiwanis International will support the elimination of Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus over the next 5 years, protecting 129 million women and their future babies from the deadly disease. Together, we will achieve zero.--- from UNICEF Fieldnotes.
So don't sit there idle: get into motion and vote for UNICEF's Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus program at Kiwanis International. With your help, there is real hope to end this deadly disease.
Vote HERE now!
But I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
When the mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away...
--- "Mother and Child Reunion" by Paul Simon